At some point of life when you will be tired of your daily routine of travelling to your offices, if not then searching for a job or far from this when you will be settled in your life, but somewhere you won’t be satisfied with your life.

Find some time for yourself, because your soul needs feeding. Feed your soul with some pain, with some memories and with some peace too. Out when you will be standing in the balcony of your flat on the 10th floor; looking at the chaos of the city and all those twinkling city lights. Your eyes would be busy watching the buzz of the city people watching returning to their homes, but you missing yours. Standing alone and remembering the places and people who meant the world for you once are no longer besides you. 

You start feeling weak, but dear close your eyes and just feel the cool breeze that gushes through your hair. Set your hair free and let all your worries fly away with the wind. Let go all of your stress and pain because a new sunset is waiting for you to start a journey for you to build a new home ! Bad days pass by so  will all your worries and stress and remember instead of finding a home within someone SMILE AND BUILD A HEAVEN INSTEAD OF HOME !

2 thoughts on “SMILE AND BUILD A HEAVEN!

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  1. Smile, and let the place where your heart is at peace, be your home. Tough times surely will bring you down, drag you through hell and make you weak. There will be times when you won’t see a ray of hope or escape either. Those are the times when you need to hold on and keep going. You sure as hell will get wounded, bleeding and crawling, giving you scars all over your body. Even your daily routine would seem like a battle to be fought, where things don’t go your way, when everyone seems to be turned against you. But remember, these wounds leave a scar behind, and scars don’t fade away. Scars are the sign of what you’ve been through, of the battle you just had. And when you’ve come across all this, after all those tough times and problems, you ain’t gonna need build a Heaven. There’ll be one for you. The one you just made through your journey and battles of life.

    You’ve got quite decent posts in your blog, Some even worth reading twice. Loved almost all of ’em. This one was quite relatable. Kind of a motivator yourself. Would love to see more such posts from you on a very frequent basis. If possible, add a little details, a touch of harshness of reality into it. Just found a great writer for myself

    Liked by 1 person

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